Putting Strategic Thinking To Work
Most business goes through a planning phase in its yearly cycle and usually that plan is revisited at least monthly. However, that planning can get

Your Eyelids are Getting Heavy… go to sleep – some sleep routines
Sleep routines and the wakeful brain You may, like me, suffer from not being able to sleep at night sometimes. You may, like me, find

Designing a Passport to the Future – Education Revolution
I will state up front that I do not have children. However, 90% of my friends, colleagues and family I regularly interact with do and

Let’s Burn the Witches!
As we head into most people’s summer break, I thought I’d take a lighter view on one of the things that has troubled me in

How to Turn a Frustrating Day into a Great One
Do you have days when you are rushing around, getting loads done and you finish tired but happy? How about busy days where you are

Be Kind to Yourself – You’re Your Own Best Friend
When the going gets tough, be kind to yourself Is it me or are more people reaching burn out, tired all the time, getting sicker

How do you get ahead of the waves of change? Create a splash yourself.
Change and the changes that affect us directly are like an ocean. Vast, continuous, fluctuating and you often can’t see beyond the immediate horizon. Wave

The Menopause at Work
Hands up anyone who had the menopause explained to them properly. No, me neither. Did anyone warn you how much it would affect you in

You Are A Hero – Live your own story
You Are A Hero – Live your own story Every single one of us is. Consider this – you are, at this very moment, living,