The Value of Positive Regard
Do you have positive regard for your colleagues and friends? It seems to me that today’s world is very good at tearing people down. Everywhere

Share Your Vision
Part of my job now is to sit in on business leaders’ meetings with their teams to observe how they come across and interact with

The Importance of Influencers – Why You Should Aspire to Other Leaders
I think one of the fundamental steps towards trying to become a great leader is to think of who inspires you, great influencers you would

As a Leader, If You Aspire Towards Greatness Maybe, One Day, You Will Become One
Being a great leader is not your decision… ‘How to be a great leader’ or derivatives around this title are often used by self-help books,

Lifelong Learning & Leadership – Do you really think you know it all?
This week I have been running several leadership workshops, some full day some half. At one company there was a gathering of 13 leaders responsible

Weakness when confronted can become strengths
Are you willing to acknowledge your weaknesses? This week I attended a leadership day where 12 leaders from large UK organisations were gathered. (Interestingly

Being social is not electronic…
I have been pondering the meaning of ‘social’ especially as I have been struggling to keep up with social media messaging and posting of late.

Defining yourself as Male/Female, Black/White?
I was at an event this past weekend and, as I usually do, wandered around the room speaking to various people afterwards. With one particular

Big business buzzing around aimlessly
‘I’m going to kill him’, was my thought. I had just got back from an event which, as I was the speaker, meant I had