What is your USP? Stand out from the crowd
It is funny how we’re all brought up to conform, to fit in within society, to be accepted socially. However, as I think everyone is

Awareness – Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes
We’ve all heard the saying, usually as an admonition, that before we judge someone we should understand their experiences, circumstances etc. It is a direct

Be Optimistic – Harness Potential
Just before the end of last year I wrote an article on how tough many people and businesses HAD found the year to be. Now

A Challenging Year – Maintaining Professionalism
Have you found this past year more of a challenge than usual? I certainly have and many people I have spoken to over the course

Push Past Fear – Don’t Let It Hold You Back
Fear can take on many forms in both business and in our personal lives. Sometimes it arises out of circumstances that we cannot control but

Past experiences sometimes offer future opportunities
In recent weeks, as we enter the winter period and the evenings start to close in, I have been reminded that we are entering the

Positivity – Positive action and thinking leads to success
Linked with motivation, resilience and patience I have found positivity is essential to complete the full success compass. To be fair it probably underpins the

Patience is a virtue
We’ve all heard the adage of ‘patience is a virtue’ but the meaning can be a little confusing unless thought about and a productive definition

Resilience – can you keep going in the face of challenge?
Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, it can also be described as an inner toughness in the face of challenge. Resilience is