Are Reviews Good or Bad?
I’ve thought long and hard about this blog, but have come to the conclusion it’s time to finally deal with the ‘F’ word…the dreaded ‘feedback’, before you judge me for swearing in a professional post.

Good Fortune Sometimes Needs a Good Kick
We all know that person, don’t we, who, when asked the generic ‘how are you?’ answers that bit too in depth – I mean down to the very last tablet they’re taking and why, what a hopeless sleep they had last night, how sick the budgie is and the appalling state of their finances/love life and everything in between.

Getting Back to Basics – Could Job Swapping be an Answer?
Greater clarity around organisational challenges Because of my recent unpleasant experiences with trade suppliers it set me wondering why customer service appears to be so

I’ve Moved Into A Building Site! – Tales from Wales (Part 9)
As many of you know, I moved from Oxford up to North Wales and eventually found my dream cottage at the end of 2021. Dream – as in I could see the potential, but I knew it would require a lot of work to update and bring it into the 21st century (it was originally built in 1840 and had recently been occupied by an elderly lady for decades).

How Different is Your ‘New Normal’?
Are you someone who still refers to the ‘new normality’ as COVID restrictions fade into the background – and if so, just how ‘new’ is your daily routine?

Be in Control or be Controlled – You Choose
(A lesson I’ve learnt the hard way) How many sleepless nights have you endured or pointless meetings attended in your search to find the right

It’s Time to Plan A Break
Stop whatever you’re doing right now Hands up if you subscribe to the view that a change is as good as a rest? I’m pretty

Why It’s Good to Ask ‘Why?’
Dare to ask why! Be honest, how many times have you explained a business practice to someone by saying something along the lines of ‘we’ve

Trade-off time
Trade-off time? Are you someone who believes the hype that in this day and age you really can have it all? Forgive me, I don’t