You Are the Hero of Your Own Story
Be honest, are you or are those around you ‘life’s not fair’ people? Are things that happen in your life always someone else’s fault? Are your choices apparently blocked by external influences?

Renovation Horrors – Tales from Wales (Part 8)
Having bought my ‘Chocolate Box’ Home in October, by the end of 2021 I looked back with some frustration mixed in with a healthy dose

A Rest is as Good as a Change
Now I might be wrong, but I’m guessing you might be reading this as part of your regular diet of social media – but have

Empathetic Leadership
Be honest, how many times have you caught yourself telling a colleague ‘I know how you feel’ when they explain a challenging situation to you

Kicking the Habit – Don’t be Hijacked by Negativity
Many hours of airtime and column inches of print and social media have been dedicated recently to the changes we all need to make to

Busting the Multitasking Myth
Ever find yourself catching up with emails while listening to a client or colleague on the phone? Or posting on your social media accounts as

When Time Management Can Become Your Enemy
Are you wasting your time trying to free up time? Be honest, how well do you really manage your time? Are you someone who focuses

Time for a Humanity Re-Boot?
Standing on egg shells Are you finding yourself, like many of us, treading on eggshells around the new ‘cancel culture’, afraid of upsetting people around

The Art of Delegation
(A lesson I’ve learnt the hard way) ‘If you want a job done properly, do it yourself’…but recent life events have shown me that’s not