Excited About the Year Ahead, or Maybe Not So Much?

(Feeling a bit Ugh About it All?) I hope that everyone had a lovely festive break, however, from those I have spoken to since, it appears that a large majority of people went down with various ailments and maladies that knocked them for six for most of the time. Why is that? Why, when your […]
Time for a Big Change

Tim Felce (Airwolfhound) [CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)] My Big Change for 2020 And here is how things have progressed since my last article: Whisper of change.. I was halfway up a mountain in the Snowdonia National Park. I was sat on a bench with the mountain behind me sheltering me from the wind, looking out over […]
Some of the Year’s Headlines You Might Have Missed

2019, what changed and did it matter? My take on some of the year’s significant events that may have slipped under the radar… My comments from a change & disruption perspective Be the change you wish to see Finland’s new prime minister is the world’s youngest At only 34 years of age, Sanna Marin, who […]
Getting one step ahead

Are You Constantly Trying to get One Step Ahead? How many hours a week are you currently working? Are you always trying to get one step ahead of your workload? When you get home do you forget about work when you close your door or are you still checking your phone/tablet? Do you ever allow […]
The Importance of Influencers – Why You Should Aspire to Other Leaders

I think one of the fundamental steps towards trying to become a great leader is to think of who inspires you, great influencers you would most want to be like. Perhaps it is part of the human psyche to search for someone worthy of our respect, attention and desire to emulate and for each of […]
As a Leader, If You Aspire Towards Greatness Maybe, One Day, You Will Become One

Being a great leader is not your decision… ‘How to be a great leader’ or derivatives around this title are often used by self-help books, courses and trainers but you aren’t the one who is going to decide whether you are great or not. Others, your colleagues, results, what you achieve in your lifetime and […]