Menopause and Sagging: A Light-Hearted Look at Bodies That Won’t Behave

As women get older, we experience some significant changes in our bodies. Welcome to my lighter blog about women and menopause, where we’ll talk about the bits of body sagging and drooping as we get older that I’m personally noticing. Now don’t get me wrong, there are serious issues around menopause symptoms and affects that […]
The Benefits of Unplugging

Do you need to unplug? Today I have a few precautionary questions for you to ask yourself: How are you doing? Are you coping with working from home? Are you managing to get the work/life balance right, or are you working more hours than you ever did before? Are you still feeling mentally energetic, or […]
There is a Downside to Antidepressants

My experience with antidepressants I was on antidepressants for almost ten years, and, initially, they were my lifesaver. They did indeed stop the deep troughs of depression, but – and this was a big ‘but’ – they also blocked the feelings of joy. And while I was not prepared to live without feeling joy and […]
Why You Don’t Need a Coach for Life

Quick clarification: You may need a coach to help you enhance your life… But it should not be necessary to keep a life coach on a regular, long-term basis if they are successfully providing you with the best tools and strategies. As someone with a lot of experience in this – I really have been there, […]
Handling Stress with a Change of Psyche

THE STRESS of MOVING HOME As I called my local estate agent to put my house on the market, the phrase “the two most stressful things in life are divorce and moving home” kept whirling round my head. The initial meeting turned out to be two hours long. As it was happening I could picture […]
Time for a Big Change

Tim Felce (Airwolfhound) [CC BY-SA (] My Big Change for 2020 And here is how things have progressed since my last article: Whisper of change.. I was halfway up a mountain in the Snowdonia National Park. I was sat on a bench with the mountain behind me sheltering me from the wind, looking out over […]
How to convert Negative Thoughts into Pro-active Actions

Do you sometimes react negatively when a stressful situation occurs? Do you sometimes find your initial reaction to a change of circumstances leads to anger or irritation? How about just waking up i the morning feeling below par and unequal to the challenges that lie before you that day? Firstly, congratulate yourself. You are a […]
Your Eyelids are Getting Heavy… go to sleep – some sleep routines

Sleep routines and the wakeful brain You may, like me, suffer from not being able to sleep at night sometimes. You may, like me, find a bad night’s sleep can make you feel listless, groggy and even unwell the following day. We all know how important sleep is to our wellbeing but why is so […]
The Menopause at Work

Hands up anyone who had the menopause explained to them properly. No, me neither. Did anyone warn you how much it would affect you in the workplace? Nope, me neither. Do you tend to keep quiet about it or find people smirk if you mention it? I do. The menopause can affect men as well […]