It’s like my body is going through a second puberty, and I’m not sure when I signed up for this.
Welcome back to part 2 of my lighter take on menopause, body sagging and ageing. As we continue to navigate the world of ageing and body changes, it’s important to remember that we’re not alone in this journey. There are many of us out there who are experiencing similar things, and sometimes it helps to share a laugh or two.
One thing that I’ve noticed as I get older is that my arthritis has suddenly become more pronounced (I’ve suffered from arthritis ever since the crash). It’s like every joint in my body has decided to throw a pain party, and I’m the unwilling host. I find myself saying “oomph” a lot more these days, especially when I’m trying to get up from a chair or climb a flight of stairs. It’s like my body is rebelling against me.
And let’s talk about sprains and breaks. When I was younger, I could virtually fall down a flight of stairs and be back to normal in a couple of days. Now, it feels like I’m made of glass, and every injury takes twice as long to heal. And even when it does heal, it’s never quite 100% again. Whilst writing this I am nursing a torn ligament in my knee, and I already know it’ll be weaker than it was before.
I’ve tumbled over so much recently that my friends have started calling me “Grace” (as in, not very graceful).

After the train crash my face was almost entirely grafted and I listened with delight when my surgeons advised that grafted skin won’t wrinkle. I am discovering that this appears to be true however the wrinkles are now appearing around my un-grafted areas ie. my eyes and neck.
I kid you not, I am going to end up looking like a tortoise!
As if all of that wasn’t enough, I’ve started to develop new ailments that I had only heard of before. Sinusitis, blocked ears, and extra hair in places I don’t want it (seriously, what’s up with that?) have all become part of my life.
And when you add in the joys of menopause (previous blog), like hot flushes and mood swings. It’s like my body is going through a second puberty, and I’m not sure when I signed up for this.
But you know what a big plus is? Comfort is starting to beat sexy for me. Give me a pair of big, comfortable pants over something lacy any day. And high heels? Forget about it. I’m all about court shoes and flats these days. Who needs the extra pain? It’s like my body is saying, “You’ve put up with enough in your life. Time to take it easier.”
So, let’s all embrace the changes that come with ageing. Sure, we may have a few extra aches and pains, and our bodies may not look the way they used to, but we’re still here, and we can still live life to the fullest.
And for anyone who is always fretting about losing their youth try to remember, we’ve got better things to do…. like enjoying our comfortable pants and sensible shoes.

Well, the floor can give you a new perspective on life.... I’ll just lay here for a minute.