change is coming
Have you noticed that there is a different atmosphere around, everywhere? Have you even had time to stop and consider if there has been a subtle difference permeating the air? If you haven’t please try to do so. Change is coming and you need to be ready.
do you feel the whisper of change?

connect to coming change
To take advantage of these opportunities though, you need to make the time to spot what is coming.
A couple of months ago I became aware of what I can only describe as a ‘vibration variance’. (No, I have not lost the plot nor am I disappearing into woo-woo land). I really cannot describe it any other way but whatever it was/is I was far too busy to pay attention to it.
During some time off I picked up the book by Tony Crabbe simply titled Busy. I thought it quite an excellent book in that it reminds us ‘busy’ need not be our default. (He did a TED Talk on Busy if you’re interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2B9XpwKuP4) Since reading it I have altered my working practices, which also includes giving myself permission to do absolutely nothing for at least half an hour every day.
Despite having learnt how to meditate some time ago I used to treat it as just another chore I had to squeeze in which sort of defeats the object. In my new, quiet half hours I don’t bother thinking if it is meditation or not. I simply walk away from everything electronic, if the weather is being magnanimous I sit outside, I focus in on my breath and I let myself just BE and I expect nothing in return.
Connecting to the quiet

My brain (which I have always considered a hybrid between a monkey and a grasshopper….a monkhopper?) doesn’t stop thinking but I’m considering my thoughts as an uninterested observer, unless a light bulb thought flashes in. And it was during one of these sessions I seemed to tune into the ‘vibration’.
The air I was breathing felt different. The pressure that I assume stops my body disintegrating into a squishy mess felt different. The bird song appeared to get louder. The plants around me suddenly seemed to come into sharper focus. In fact everything felt sharper in a good way. Then ‘click’ there was only one thought that popped into my head and refused to budge: Big Changes are Coming – Be Ready to Act.
Now I can’t pretend to be a prophet or believe I have had some sort of epiphany however every half hour of quiet I have had since exactly the same thing has happened. I’ve decided I had best listen to it.
I am a fairly positive, optimistic type of person most of the time however my positivity and optimism seems to have received an injection of speed (replace with whatever drug of choice). I am literally bouncing along at the moment, largely ignoring the shenanigans going on in the media as that would probably burst my bubble.
However, age and experience has taught me that the opportunities that come with change do not get served up on silver platter service with an exquisite Hollandaise accompaniment. You have to prepare the ground, make plans and start sowing seeds like a Jethro Tull seed drill (look it up and it has nothing to do with Ian Anderson).
And by golly, for me, there are shoots already beginning to sprout and I haven’t even started shovelling on the manure!
I therefore surmise that indeed change is coming and it is fertile. I for one have already swung into action. Perhaps it’s time for you guys to grab do nothing half hours and see what pops into your heads?
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